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🚀🧬 MrBiomics: Modules & Recipes augment Bioinformatics for Multi-Omics Analyses

"For many outcomes, roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes (the "vital few")." - The Pareto Principle by Vilfredo Pareto

Get 80% of all standard (biomedical) data science analyses done semi-automated with 20% of the effort, by leveraging Snakemake's module functionality to use and combine pre-existing workflows into arbitrarily complex analyses.

If you use MrBiomics, please don't forget to give credit to the authors by citing this original repository and the respective Modules and Recipes.

⏳ TL;DR - More Time for Science!

"Programming is about trying to make the future less painful. It’s about making things easier for our teammates." from The Pragmatic Programmer by Andy Hunt & Dave Thomas

Illustration of MrBiomics Modules, Recipes and Projects Illustration of MrBiomics Modules, Recipes and Projects

Altogether this enables complex, portable, transparent, reproducible, and documented analyses of multi-mics data at scale.

🧩 Modules

"Is it functional, multifunctional, durable, well-fitted, simple, easy to maintain, and thoroughly tested? Does it provide added value, and doesn't cause unnecessary harm? Can it be simpler? Is it an innovation?" - Patagonia Design Principles

Modules are Snakemake workflows, consisting of Rules for multi-step analyses, that are independent, single-purpose, and sufficiently abstracted to be compatible with most up- and downstream analyses. A {module} can be general-purpose (e.g., Unsupervised Analysis) or modality-specific (e.g., ATAC-seq processing). Currently, the following ten modules are available, ordered by their applicability from general to specific:

Module Type (Data Modality) DOI Stars
Unsupervised Analysis General Purpose
(tabular data)
DOI GitHub Repo stars
Fetch NGS Data and Metadata using iSeq Bioinformatics
(NGS data)
DOI GitHub Repo stars
Split, Filter, Normalize and Integrate Sequencing Data Bioinformatics
(NGS counts)
DOI GitHub Repo stars
Differential Analysis with limma Bioinformatics
(NGS data)
DOI GitHub Repo stars
Enrichment Analysis Bioinformatics
(genes/genomic regions)
DOI GitHub Repo stars
Genome Track Visualization Bioinformatics
(aligned BAM files)
DOI GitHub Repo stars
ATAC-seq Processing Bioinformatics
DOI GitHub Repo stars
scRNA-seq Processing using Seurat Bioinformatics
DOI GitHub Repo stars
Differential Analysis using Seurat Bioinformatics
DOI GitHub Repo stars
Perturbation Analysis using Mixscape from Seurat Bioinformatics
DOI GitHub Repo stars

⭐️ Star and share modules you find valuable 📤 — help others discover them, and guide our future work!

[!TIP] For detailed instructions on the installation, configuration, and execution of modules, you can check out the wiki. Generic instructions are also shown in the modules' respective Snakmake workflow catalog entry.

📋 Projects using multiple Modules

“Absorb what is useful. Discard what is not. Add what is uniquely your own.” - Bruce Lee

You can (re-)use and combine pre-existing workflows within your projects by loading them as Modules since Snakemake 6. The combination of multiple modules into projects that analyze multiple datasets represents the overarching vision and power of MrBiomics.

[!NOTE] When applied to multiple datasets within a project, each dataset should have its own result directory within the project directory.

Three components are required to use a module within your Snakemake workflow (i.e., a project).

[!TIP] A full tutorial is available on the wiki.

📜 Recipes

"Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking of them." - Alfred North Whitehead, author of Principia Mathematica

Recipes are combinations of existing modules into end-to-end best practice analyses. They can be used as templates for standard analyses by leveraging existing modules, thereby enabling fast iterations and progression into the unknown. This represents "functional knowledge management". Every recipe is described and presented using a wiki page by application to a publicly available dataset.

Recipe Description # Modules
ATAC-seq Analysis From raw BAM files to enrichemnts of differentially accessible regions. 6(-7)
RNA-seq Analysis From raw BAM files to enrichemnts of differentially expressed genes. 6(-7)
Integrative ATAC-seq & RNA-seq Analysis From count matrices to epigenetic potential and relative transcriptional abundance. 7(-8)
scRNA-seq Analysis From count matrix to enrichemnts of differentially expressed genes. 5(-6)
scCRISPR-seq Analysis From count matrix to knockout phenotype enrichemnts. 6(-7)

Usage: Process each dataset module by module. Check the results of each module to inform the configuration of the next module. This iterative method allows for quick initial completion, followed by refinement in subsequent iterations based on feedback from yourself or collaborators. Adjustments in later iterations are straightforward, requiring only changes to individual configurations or annotations. Ultimately you end up with a reproducible and readable end-to-end analysis for each dataset.

[!IMPORTANT] For end-to-end analysis it is required that all configuration and annotation files exist before (re)running the workflow. If a module requires an annotation file generated by a previous module and it does not exist (yet), DAG construction fails with a MissingInputException. This can happen in workflows where downstream module configuration relies on outputs from preceding modules. For example, a sample annotation file created by the atacseq_pipeline module is used to configure downstream the spilterlize_integrate module. The best practice is to run the workflow module by module and save the output required for configuration (e.g., sample annotation) externally. We recommend the workflow's config/ folder of the respective dataset. Thereby making the workflow re-runnable for future end-to-end execution, for iterations with changed parameters and reproducibility. Checkpoints are no solution as they only apply to rules, not to modules.

⭐️ Star this repository and share recipes you find valuable 📤 — help others find them, and guide our future work!

📚 Resources

⭐ Star History of Modules

Star History Chart